

Welcome to the Extended Planetside 2 Census API Documentation! Here, you will find documented examples and JSON formats for the various feeds provided by the API service, and the additional subscription/filter features that you can use to customize the events you receive.

API Keys & API Support/Requests

For those interested in writing applications using the API, please email with information regarding your application, to receive your API Key. If you are experiencing issues with the service, or have a feature/improvement request, please remember to provide your API key when contacting us. You will typically receive a response within 48 hours.

Connecting to the API/Authetication

Connecting to the API

// Open Websocket Connection
var apiKey = "example";
var url = "ws://" + apiKey;
ws = new WebSocket(url);

// Set event handlers.
ws.onopen = function(evt)
    console.log("Websocket Connection Established!");
ws.onmessage = function(evt)
    // All messages sent by the API are JSON. Parse it so we can work with it.
    var data = JSON.parse(;
    if(data.websocket_event != undefined && data.websocket_event == "connectionStateChange" && == "true")
        console.log("Websocket API Ready.");
        //The API is ready to receive messages.
ws.onclose = function(evt)
    console.log("Websocket Connection Closed.");
ws.onerror = function(evt)
    console.log("Websocket Error: " +;

After connecting, you will receive a ConnectionStateChange message.


… and a ServiceStateChange event for each world, indicating their online status.


The Extended Census Websocket uses API keys for authentication and access (which you can get via emailing us). The API key “example” can also be used for experimenting with the API, although use of this key may be limited in the future.

1: Open a websocket connection to: ws://

2: You will receive some messages confirming your websocket connection, and the status of Census websocket feeds.

3: You will also receive several ServiceStateChange messages detailing the status of census websocket feeds. More on this in the Service Events section.

4: Send messages to the server using the actions, events and filters listed below as a guideline.

Subscription Actions

Sending a message to the server.

//The API is ready to receive messages.
var message =
    "action": "subscribe",
    "event": "BattleRank",
    "battle_ranks": ["100"]

console.log("Now listening for Battle Rank 100 events.");

These actions are used to manage your event PUSH subscriptions. You will receive a JSON formatted confirmation message with your current subscriptions, and events will be sent to you as they happen.



    "action": "subscribe",
    "event": "BattleRank",
    "battle_ranks": ["11"]



This is the probably the most common action. Use it to add filtered events to your subscription.

Sent Payload

Field JSON Type Description
action String The action we want to perform. In this case, subscribe.
event String The event that contains the fields we want to unsubscribe from.
field_xx String/Array The field, and associated value/s to add to the subscription.

Response Payload

Field JSON Type Description
subscriptions Object Contains a mapped list of your current subscriptions, and their respective filtered fields.
action String An echo of the action that modified “subscriptions”.



    "action": "subscribe",
    "event": "BattleRank",
    "battle_ranks": ["11","12"]




    "action": "unsubscribe",
    "event": "BattleRank",
    "battle_ranks": ["11"]



Allows you to remove entries from an existing subscription.

Sent Payload

Field JSON Type Description
action String The action we want to perform. In this case, unsubscribe.
event String The event that contains the fields we want to unsubscribe from.
field_xx String/Array The field, and associated value/s to remove from the subscription.

Response Payload

Field JSON Type Description
subscriptions Object Contains a mapped list of your current subscriptions, and their respective filtered fields.
action String An echo of the action that modified “subscriptions”.



    "action": "subscribe",
    "event": "BattleRank",
    "battle_ranks": ["11"]


    "action": "subscribe",
    "event": "Combat",
    "vehicles": ["7"]


            "worlds":{ },


    "action": "unsubscribeAll",
    "event": "Combat"



Allows you to clear all subscribed events, both globally and on an event level.

Sent Payload

Field JSON Type Description
action String The action we want to perform. In this case, unsubscribeAll.
event String (Optional) The event that you wish to remove all subscriptions from. Not specifying an event clears all subscriptions.

Response Payload

Field JSON Type Description
subscriptions Object Contains a mapped list of your current subscriptions, and their respective filtered fields.
action String An echo of the action that modified “subscriptions”.

Status Actions

These actions return information/data that might be useful if you are reconnecting and missed the original associated event.

activeMetagameEvents (previously activeAlerts)

Returns all active metagame events/alerts (and their respective facilities) across all servers. Optionally, you can provide an array of world_id’s to get metagame event information for only the specified servers.


    "action": "activeMetagameEvents", "worlds": ["1002"]

Response (Please note this has been truncated, the facilities and metagame_events arrays have more than 1 element)


Sent Payload

Field JSON Type Description
action String The action we want to perform. In this case, activeMetagameEvents.
worlds String/Array (Optional) A single or list of world ID’s (PC PS4-US PS4-EU) that you want Metagame info for. Not specifying any worlds gets all metagame events across all worlds.

Response Payload

root node

Field JSON Type Description
action String An echo of the action that generated “worlds”
worlds Object The parent node containing all worlds valid for the sent request. JSON keys/properties match the “world_id” found on Census (PC PS4-US PS4-EU).

metagame_events node

Field JSON Type Description
instance_id String Represents the WORLD unique instance ID of this metagame event. This is not globally unique, and can clash with other servers/worlds. Use this to match up start/update/end metagame events that come through the “MetagameEvent” subscription. Matches the “instance_id” found on Census
metagame_event_type_id String Represents the type of this metagame. Matches the “metagame_event_id” found on Census.
facility_type_id String Represents the facility type for facility metagame events. Returns “0” if metagame event is not facility type specific, otherwise returns the relating facility type. Matches the “facility_type_id” found on Census.
category_id String Represents the Magic “type” value given to metagame events by census. Matches the “type” found on Census.
zone_id String Represents the zone relating to this metagame event. Returns “0” if metagame event is global, otherwise returns the related zone. Matches the “zone_id” found on Census.
start_time String Represents the epoch time (in seconds) when this metagame event started.
end_time String Represents the epoch time (in seconds) when the metagame event IS EXPECTED to end.
control_xx String Represents the rounded down territory control percentage from 0-100 for faction “xx”. “control_vs”, “control_nc” and “control_tr” represent each factions territory control.
facilities Array Represents all facilities that contribute/have influence for this metagame event.

facilities node

Field JSON Type Description
facility_id String Represents the unique ID of this facility. Matches the “region_id” found on Census.
facility_type_id String Represents the type of this facility (Bio-lab, Outpost, etc). Matches the “facility_type_id” found on Census for this region.
owner String Represents the owner of this facility. Matches the “faction_id” found on Census
zone_id String Represents the zone this facility is located in. Matches the “zone_id” found on Census

worldStatus (Previously zoneStatus/facilityStatus)

Returns zone (territory control, lock) and facility information (ownership) for the given world/zones.


    "action": "worldStatus", "worlds": ["25"], "zones": ["2"]

Response (Please note this has been truncated, the worlds, zones and facilites arrays can contain more than 1 element, depending on the query.)


Sent Payload

Field JSON Type Description
action String The action we want to perform. In this case, worldStatus.
worlds String/Array (Optional) A single or list of world ID’s (PC PS4-US PS4-EU) that you want zone/facility info for. Not specifying any worlds gets data from all worlds.
zones String/Array (Optional) A single or list of zone ID’s (PC PS4-US PS4-EU) that you want zone/facility info for. Not specifying any zones gets data from all zones.

Response Payload

root node

Field JSON Type Description
action String An echo of the action that generated “worlds”
worlds Object The parent node containing all worlds valid for the sent request. JSON keys/properties match the “world_id” found on Census (PC PS4-US PS4-EU).

xx world ID node

Field JSON Type Description
zones Object The parent node containing all zones valid for the sent request. JSON keys/properties match the “zone_id” found on Census (PC PS4-US PS4-EU).

zones node

Field JSON Type Description
locked String Represents whether this zone is locked. “0” indicates the zone is unlocked, “1” indicates the zone is locked.
locked_by String Represents the faction who locked this zone. If the zone is not locked, this returns “0”. Matches the “faction_id” found on Census
control_xx String Represents the rounded down territory control percentage from 0-100 for faction “xx”. “control_vs”, “control_nc” and “control_tr” represent each factions territory control.
facilities Array Represents all facilities inside this zone.

facilities node

Field JSON Type Description
facility_id String Represents the unique ID of this facility. Matches the “region_id” found on Census.
facility_type_id String Represents the type of this facility (Bio-lab, Outpost, etc). Matches the “facility_type_id” found on Census for this region.
owner String Represents the owner of this facility. Matches the “faction_id” found on Census
zone_id String Represents the zone this facility is located in. Matches the “zone_id” found on Census

Introduction to Filters

All events can be filtered through the subscription system. Each event inherits all global filters, and implements multiple filters of their own. Use these filters to refine the events and data you receive.

To specify a filter for an event, the general format is as follows.


filter_x represents any combination of filters under the “Filter Options” for each event. For example, to subscribe to Combat events for a specific Outfit:


Global Filters and Subscription Options


“all”: “true”

Disables all event-specific filters for the specified event, therefore receiving all events for the given event type. As David from SOE describes it, “it’s like drinking from a firehose of events”


“environments”: [“pc”,“ps4_us”]

Only includes events from the selected platforms/environments. Valid values are “pc”, “ps4_us”, and “ps4_eu”.


“show”: [“timestamp”,“facility_id”]

Only include the provided fields from the event within the message.


“hide”: [“facility_id”, “world_id”]

Includes all fields except the provided fields from the event within the message. NOTE: Overrides fields in show. If a field is in both hide and show, it will be hidden from the event’s messages.


“useAND”: [“property1”, “property2”]

By default, the server checks each property with an OR statement. This setting allows you to mark properties that have both an attacker and victim type as AND.

VehicleCombat example: Getting air vehicle vs air vehicle combat

This subscription would return all air vehicle kills where the attacking vehicle, OR the victim’s vehicle were an air vehicle. So if an aircraft destroyed a tank, the event would still be sent to the client.


  "vehicles":[ "7","8","9","10","11"]

This subscription would return all air vehicle kills where the attacking vehicle, AND the victim’s vehicle were an air vehicle. So if an aircraft destroyed a tank, the event would NOT be sent to the client.



Event Subscription/Payload Summary

Service Events (No Subscriptions/Filtering - Messages are always sent)


ConnectionStateChange - Example Response

    "service" : "ps2_events",
    "version" : "1.0.3",
    "websocket_event" : "connectionStateChange",
    "online" : "true"

Sent upon successful connection to the websocket service.


ServiceStateChange - Example Response


Sent upon connection to indicate the status of worlds (servers), and when servers go offline, or census experiences difficulties.

Custom Events


PopulationChange - Subscription Options

  "action": "subscribe",
  "event": "PopulationChange",
  "all": "false",
  "population_types": ["total", "world", "zone", "outfit", "zone_outfit"],
  "outfits": ["37524301022235903"],
  "zones": ["8"],
  "worlds": ["13"]

PopulationChange - Example Response


Called every time population changes.

Use the “population_type” filter to get online world, zone and outfit population.

Extended Standard Events


AchievementEarned - Subscription Options

  "action": "subscribe",
  "event": "AchievementEarned",
  "all": "false",
  "characters": ["111112222", "23333444323"],
  "outfits": ["3333", "111111"],
  "factions": ["1", "2"],
  "achievements": ["2", "6"],
  "zones": ["2", "4"],
  "worlds": ["25"]

AchievementEarned - Example Response


“The given character has earned a new achievement (medal or ribbon)”

BattleRank (Census: BattleRankUp)

BattleRank - Subscription Options

  "action": "subscribe",
  "event": "BattleRank",
  "all": "false",
  "characters": ["111112222", "23333444323"],
  "outfits": ["3333", "111111"],
  "factions": ["1", "2"],
  "battle_ranks": ["90", "95"],
  "zones": ["2", "4"],
  "worlds": ["25"]

BattleRank - Example Response


“The given character has achieved a new battle rank.”

Combat (Census: Death)

Combat - Subscription Options

  "action": "subscribe",
  "event": "Combat",
  "all": "false",
  "characters": ["111112222", "23333444323"],
  "outfits": ["3333", "111111"],
  "factions": ["1", "2"],
  "loadouts": ["5", "6"],
  "vehicles": ["7", "8"],
  "weapons": ["98"],
  "headshots": ["1"],
  "zones": ["2", "4"],
  "worlds": ["25"]

Combat - Example Response


“The given character has been killed.”


ContinentLock - Subscription Options

  "action": "subscribe",
  "event": "ContinentLock",
  "all": "false",
  "zones": ["2", "4"],
  "worlds": ["25"]

ContinentLock - Example Response


“A continent has been locked.”


ContinentUnlock - Subscription Options

  "action": "subscribe",
  "event": "ContinentUnlock",
  "all": "false",
  "zones": ["2", "4"],
  "worlds": ["25"]

ContinentUnlock - Example Response


“A continent has been unlocked.”

ExperienceEarned (Census: GainExperience)

ExperienceEarned - Subscription Options

  "action": "subscribe",
  "event": "ExperienceEarned",
  "all": "false",
  "characters": ["111112222", "23333444323"],
  "outfits": ["3333", "111111"],
  "factions": ["1", "2"],
  "experience_types": ["7", "8"],
  "loadouts": ["5", "6"],
  "zones": ["2", "4"],
  "worlds": ["25"]

ExperienceEarned - Example Response


“A player has gained experience. Match experience_id with to find out what they did. Field other_id may refer to another player, or a vehicle, etc.”

FacilityControl (Census: FacilityControl)

FacilityControl - Subscription Options

  "action": "subscribe",
  "event": "FacilityControl",
  "all": "false",
  "facilities": ["2222", "4519"],
  "facility_types": ["7", "8"],
  "outfits": ["3333", "111111"],
  "factions": ["1", "2"],
  "captures": ["1"],
  "zones": ["2", "4"],
  "worlds": ["25"]

FacilityControl - Example Response


“A facility has changed hands.”

Login (Census: PlayerLogin, PlayerLogout)

Login - Subscription Options

  "action": "subscribe",
  "event": "Login",
  "all": "false",
  "characters": ["111112222", "23333444323"],
  "outfits": ["3333", "111111"],
  "factions": ["1", "2"],
  "is_login": ["1"],
  "zones": ["2", "4"],
  "worlds": ["25"]

Login - Example Response


“A character has logged in, or out of the game.”

MetagameEvent (Census: MetagameEvent)

MetagameEvent - Subscription Options

  "action": "subscribe",
  "event": "MetagameEvent",
  "all": "false",
  "metagames": ["111112222", "23333444323"],
  "metagame_types": ["3", "4"],
  "statuses": ["1", "0"],
  "dominations": ["1"],
  "zones": ["2", "4"],
  "worlds": ["25"]

MetagameEvent - Example Response


“A metagame event (alert) has started or ended.”

PlayerFacilityControl (Census: PlayerFacilityCapture, PlayerFacilityDefend)

PlayerFacilityControl - Subscription Options

  "action": "subscribe",
  "event": "PlayerFacilityControl",
  "all": "false",
  "characters": ["111112222", "23333444323"],
  "outfits": ["3333", "111111"],
  "factions": ["1", "2"],
  "facilities": ["2222", "4519"],
  "captures": ["1"],
  "zones": ["2", "4"],
  "worlds": ["25"]

PlayerFacilityControl - Example Response


“A player has taken part in the capture, or defense of a facility.”

VehicleDestroy (Census: VehicleDestroy)

VehicleDestroy - Subscription Options

  "action": "subscribe",
  "event": "VehicleDestroy",
  "all": "false",
  "characters": ["111112222", "23333444323"],
  "outfits": ["3333", "111111"],
  "factions": ["1", "2"],
  "loadouts": ["5", "6"],
  "vehicles": ["7", "8"],
  "weapons": ["98"],
  "facilities": ["4444"],
  "zones": ["2", "4"],
  "worlds": ["25"]

VehicleDestroy - Example Response


“A vehicle has been destroyed.”

Data Reference

Static Data

worlds (Servers)

ID World
1 Connery
10 Miller
13 Cobalt
17 Emerald
19 Jaeger
25 Briggs

zones (Continents)

ID Zone
2 Indar
4 Hossin
6 Amerish
8 Esamir


ID Faction
0 Nanite Systems
1 Vanu Sovereignty
2 New Conglomerate
3 Terran Republic

Static Data - Event Specific


Replace “ACHIEVEMENTNAME” with the name of the weapon, medal or ribbon you wish to lookup.

Alternatively you can see all types by looking at the above link.




Replace “ITEMNAME” with the name of the item or weapon you wish to lookup.




Dynamic Data


Replace CHARACTERNAME with the name of the character.


Replace TAG with your outfit alias/tag.,name,outfit_id&name=OUTFITNAME

Replace OUTFITNAME with your outfit’s name.